
Haus Neumayer - holiday dwelling


Room 2

2 persons (without food)

Price per product and day are made from 7 nights on



62,00 EUR



3 Persons ( without food)

Price per product and day are made from 7 nights on



93,00 EUR


4 Persons (without food)

Price per product and day are made from 7 nights on



124,00 EUR


5 Persons (without food)

Price per product and day are made from 7 nights on



155,00 EUR


Wireless Internet Use unlimited free!

Final cleaning 29, -

Provincial tax Euro 2,40.- / day / person from 15 years on

Up to 30 days before departure canceled free of charge!

Then 80% of the price
from total cost!


Booking information:

Not so rare, it is different than you think and the booked holiday has to be canceled or terminated prematurely.
The right of withdrawal according to § 18 Abs. 1 Z 10 FAGG does not apply, for the general terms and conditions apply with us for the hospitality industry (

§ 5 of AGBH 2006:
Up to 1 month prior to arrival you can cancel free of charge. From 30 days before arrival we charge 80% cancellation fee of the total price.
When you cancel during the last week before arrival we charge you 80% of the price charged,
case of early departure 80%.
These unnecessary costs and hassles associated with it, we want to spare you like. We strongly recommend that as a precaution for cancellation, early departure and mountain rescue (incl. Helicopter rescue)

hedge the Hotel Cancellation Plus or the extensive hotel cancellation insurance premium (incl. accident benefits).
You can download the same self-insure:

Payment Possibilities:

Cash and Money Transfer

Neumayer Eva

Erdl 2

4861 Schörfling am Attersee




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